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Why Analyze Sideways Bottoming Stock Trends?

To Identify Dark Pool Buy Zones™ The Shift of Sentiment™ pattern in the stock chart example below clearly and easily shows that Buy Side Institutions using Dark Pools entered this stock and would quickly take control of price. Sideways bottoming stock trend analysis of the chart shows that a sudden …

What Is the Anatomy of a Swing Trade?

Identifying Large Lots Dominating Buy Side or Sell Side of Momentum Run The most common mistake Retail Traders make in choosing stocks for Swing Trading is to not identify whether the large lots are dominating the buy side or the sell side during the price action momentum run upward. This …

Why Recognize MACD Contrarian Indicator Patterns?

Sideways Candlestick Pattern Breakout Direction Oftentimes, traders may be confused with conflicting indicator patterns. Contrarian patterns between indicators and between Price and stock Volume-based Indicators are very common these days. In the stock chart example below, the stock gapped up on earnings news and shifted to a sideways candlestick pattern …

Why Are Quantity Indicators Most Important?

They Reveal Dark Pool Quiet Accumulation Momentum Runs are not perpetual. At some point, Professional Technical Traders, who are one of several drivers behind Momentum Runs, will take profits at technical resistance levels. The chart example below is an excellent example of why so many Swing Traders using Stop and …

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