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Market Participant Groups

What Are the 5 Key Aspects of Technical Analysis?

Candlestick Patterns Reveal Who, What, Where, When, and Why Technical Analysis is the study and interpretation of price, time, and stock volume for stocks and indexes. Due to the massive changes to the Stock Market Structure since the Banking Debacle and Subprime Mortgage disaster, Technical Analysis has been evolving and …

Who Is the New Stock Market Participant Surprise?

The Semi-Professional Trader An unexpected new type of trader has emerged which is creating riptides within the professional community as a New Stock Market Participant surprise. The Professional Traders who comprise three groups consisting of the Proprietary Desk Traders for Sell Side Institutions, Floor Traders for Buy Side Institutions, and …

What Are Dark Pools & HFTs?

How They Are Changing the Stock Market The retail news and professional news feeds offer extremely opposing perspectives on what is going on with stocks in short-term trading, liquidity, execution speed, and the overall internal Stock Market Structure. While the retail side of the news media focuses on basic news …

What Are the 6 Trends of the Stock Market?

Market Conditions & About Stock Market Participant Groups Many Individual Investors view the market as having two trends, up or down. Stock and Options Retail Traders view the market as trending or non-trending. These are simplistic viewpoints based on outdated fundamental and technical theory dating back to the Dow Theory …

How to Improve Elliott Wave Analysis

Use It with Balance of Power as a Combination Indicator Improve your Elliott Wave Analysis and Trading System with a few simple additions to your Technical Analysis. Increase profitability, simplify the process, and make the analysis easier and more reliable. This will save time and improve the use and analysis …

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