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Technical Analysis

What Are the 5 Key Aspects of Technical Analysis?

Candlestick Patterns Reveal Who, What, Where, When, and Why Technical Analysis is the study and interpretation of price, time, and stock volume for stocks and indexes. Due to the massive changes to the Stock Market Structure since the Banking Debacle and Subprime Mortgage disaster, Technical Analysis has been evolving and …

Buy the Dip as a Swing Trading Strategy

Consider Market Condition and Stock Trend Cycle Buy the Dip is a very old-style strategy that is frequently touted as “brand-new” to new and beginning stock traders, novice swing traders, and new investors. The theory is that you want to “buy low and sell high”. But more often than not, …

How to Use Balance of Power Indicator Properly

4 Tips Include Indicator Bar Length & Color TC2000 Users have a huge advantage over traders who do not use this charting program. Unfortunately, most TC2000 Users are not taking full advantage of the tools embedded in this program. One of the many tools that are unique to TC2000 is …

Which Stock Indicators Drive Profits?

Quantity Defines Many Aspects of the Trade There are massive internal and hidden Market Structure changes going on. Using ALL of the Data available from the markets is imperative for reliable and highly profitable trades. There is often confusion regarding the least-used Data Set for stock indicators, which is QUANTITY. …

Why Use Balance of Power Hybrid Stock Indicator?

So Powerful It Reveals Dark Pools in the Automated Markets There is one critical factor that separates highly successful traders from those who struggle with mediocre returns. It is the awareness of how new Alternative Trading System (ATS) venues, new order processing, and new algorithms have forever changed how stocks …

How to Identify High Frequency Trader Activity

List Provided to Recognize Their Candlestick Patterns High Frequency Trader (HFT) activity occurs often these days, and the HFT candlestick patterns are substantial but unsustainable. Retail Traders who want to learn how to Sell Short during topping markets and downtrends need to be able to identify the “footprints” of the …

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