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Dark Pool Quiet Accumulation

How to Decode a Candlestick Chart with Doji

Use Pure Price as Entry & Exit Signals When Candlestick Charts were first introduced to the western markets, everyone using Stock Charts and Technical Analysis relied on indicators more than Bar Charts, which were the most popular charts back then. Bar Charts are much harder to read, give less visual …

Why Did Options Trading Opportunities Increase?

Traders Are Using Stock Chart Analysis Options Trading has suddenly become far more popular with Professional Traders and Smaller Funds, who are now learning to trade Options. This means that Retail Traders will find more trading volume and opportunities than what have been around previously. It is the Renaissance of …

Why Is There Burgeoning Success of Position Trading?

It Is a Reliable Low-Risk Entry Trading Style Position Trading is a newer Trading Style that most people haven’t heard about, unless they are a TechniTrader Student. I developed this Trading Style for choppy Sideways Market Conditions. More and more of the Large and Giant Funds Managers have moved their …

How to Use Bollinger Bands® in MetaStock Charts

Add Stock Volume Indicators for Direction Stock Will Move The Bollinger Bands indicator has been gaining in popularity. This is no surprise, given the changes in the Market Structure and how price behaves with more of the Exchanges, Dark Pool Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs), Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs), and other …

Trading the Small Cap Stocks

About Outstanding Shares and Momentum Runs Most Retail Traders only trade big cap stocks. This is because they depend mostly on news for finding stocks to trade. It can also be due to relying upon Industry or Sector selections, often missing out on the underlying stocks that are moving with …

How to Track Large-Lot Institutions

Learn to Identify Candlestick Patterns in Charts The main challenges Individual Investors and Retail Traders face today are figuring out when High Frequency Traders (HFTs) are going to suddenly appear and when Buy Side Institutions using Dark Pools are quietly buying or selling. There are distinct candlestick and indicator patterns …

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