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Trading Style

What Is Missing in Your Risk Analysis?

Stop Loss with Support & Resistance The least used and most often improperly used analysis by Technical Traders and Retail Traders is Risk Analysis. All too often, traders are choosing high-risk stock picks without realizing it. See the candlestick chart example below. This analysis is NOT using percentages, but rather …

Is Day Trading Right for YOU?

Take This Simple Test to See If You Will Be a Great Day Trader Day Trading is one of the most widely promoted styles of trading stocks for beginners and new Retail Traders. Many training companies teach Day Trading for beginners, but is this in their best interest? Or is …

How to Specialize in a Trading Style

10 Tips on What to Do and How to Do It Previously in one of my TechniTrader Student support publications, I suggested how to specialize in a Trading Style. I had a student write to me about that publication, and here is what he said: “Over the past few years, …

How to Make Stock Trading Plans – Trading Goals

List of 8 Includes Establish Your Basic Trading Style “Trading Plans” (or what I usually call “Trading Goals”) are specific things that you write down. You should have quarterly goals for your Stock Market trading, and perhaps even monthly goals if you are using trading profits for income. Then, you …

TechniTrader® Hybrid Indicators for MetaStock Users

About TechniCators™ and Market Conditions for Trading or Investing TechniTrader Stock Market Education groups indicators together based on obtaining a complete and thorough analysis of all the Market Data available. These are typically 5 Hybrid Indicators we created. Each group is called a “TechniCator”, and there are TechniCators for each …

Which Stock Indicators Drive Profits?

Quantity Defines Many Aspects of the Trade There are massive internal and hidden Market Structure changes going on. Using ALL of the Data available from the markets is imperative for reliable and highly profitable trades. There is often confusion regarding the least-used Data Set for stock indicators, which is QUANTITY. …

What Are Spatial Pattern Recognition Skills™?

Reading Stock Charts Like the Professional Traders All Technical Traders need to have very high visual pattern skill development so that they can click through charts quickly and identify patterns that they prefer to trade. Unfortunately for most Retail Traders, this skill is underdeveloped, leaving them to rely too much …

How to Position Trade Bottoming Stocks

List of 5 What to Recognize in Candlestick Patterns Many traders do not have the time or resources to trade the most well-known Trading Styles, which are Day Trading and Swing Trading. Both of these styles require more time, a higher capital base, and the ability to be trading in …

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