TechniTrader® Hybrid Indicators for MetaStock Users

About TechniCators™ and Market Conditions for Trading or Investing

TechniTrader Stock Market Education groups indicators together based on obtaining a complete and thorough analysis of all the Market Data available. These are typically 5 Hybrid Indicators we created. Each group is called a “TechniCator”, and there are TechniCators for each Trading Style based on Market Conditions.

Most Retail Traders use Price and Time Indicators such as MACD, Stochastic, Bollinger Bands®, or other Price and Time Indicators. This leaves a gigantic hole in the analysis because they are analyzing only half of the data necessary to be consistently successful.

TechniTrader Education focuses on consistent success. This is totally contrarian to most systems and strategies which teach that a Retail Trader can be successful taking a zero-sum game attitude. The fact is that a 50% success rate won’t give you a consistent monthly income you can rely upon.

Therefore, our indicators include all of the analysis needed to select only the optimal and most ideal stock picks for the current MARKET CONDITION.

There are 6 Primary Market Conditions which tell you:

  1. How price will behave
  2. How fast price will move
  3. What entry signals will work best
  4. What exit signals to use
  5. What indicators to use
  6. What Trading Style will reap the highest profit

Market Condition Analysis comes from the TechniTrader Exploration Scans.

In order to have a complete analysis of a stock for short-term trading or long-term investing, you must analyze the following in addition to price, trend, and candlestick patterns:

  1. Stock Volume Hybrid Indicator: Compares the upside stock volume and the downside stock volume in relation to recent stock volume activity. That is why TechniTrader uses color-coded stock volume bars with a special moving average for the various Market Conditions, speed of price action, and stock volume action.
  2. TechniTrader Quiet Accumulation (TTQA) Hybrid Indicator: Reveals the secretive incremental buying patterns of the Dark Pool Institutional Investors. Dark Pools have grown in popularity, and this behind-the-scenes giant-lot action affects price in ways not easily seen with mere Price and Time Indicators.

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Trade Wisely,

Martha Stokes CMT

Chartered Market Technician
Instructor & Developer of TechniTrader Stock & Option Courses

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