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How Does Stock Fundamental Support Form?

By Dark Pool Candlestick Pattern Platforms Fundamental Investors and Traders are the Buy Side Institutions, who use Dark Pools to buy and sell large to giant lots and block orders. Often trading short-term are the Sell Side Institutions and Smaller Funds. Small-Lot Retail Investors are negligible and tend not to …

How to Cope with Volatile Trading Conditions

Find Stocks That Have Compressing Sideways Candlestick Patterns Trading so-called “Volatile Markets” can seem like a daunting task. Many Retail Traders struggle during these phases of trading action and do not recognize how to cope with “Volatile” Trading Conditions. The problem is not that stock price action is “Volatile”, but …

Which Stock Indicators Drive Profits?

Quantity Defines Many Aspects of the Trade There are massive internal and hidden Market Structure changes going on. Using ALL of the Data available from the markets is imperative for reliable and highly profitable trades. There is often confusion regarding the least-used Data Set for stock indicators, which is QUANTITY. …

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