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Swing Traders

What Is the Anatomy of a Swing Trade?

Identifying Large Lots Dominating Buy Side or Sell Side of Momentum Run The most common mistake Retail Traders make in choosing stocks for Swing Trading is to not identify whether the large lots are dominating the buy side or the sell side during the price action momentum run upward. This …

New Candlestick Patterns from Wider Spread Programs

Stock Market Trading Opportunities Increase The first pilot test program for wider spreads focused on small cap stocks and was initiated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This provided more liquidity for these stocks and was a huge success, becoming the standard for all small cap stocks. Following the …

How Does Stock Fundamental Support Form?

By Dark Pool Candlestick Pattern Platforms Fundamental Investors and Traders are the Buy Side Institutions, who use Dark Pools to buy and sell large to giant lots and block orders. Often trading short-term are the Sell Side Institutions and Smaller Funds. Small-Lot Retail Investors are negligible and tend not to …